The moonlit night gave way to the gentle glow of dawn, and the pond croaked with excitement. In the emerging light of day, the full extent of the gathering became apparent. 🌄

So many frogs of all shapes, colors, and sizes had converged on the pond.

There were black, white, gray, red, and blue frogs, green frogs, orange frogs, and even multi-colored frogs.

Some had spots that traveled some way, and others gleamed like jewels on display. There were bony types, furry tykes, and others that puffed like kings.

And those that came from drier parts and others of frosty things. Some were all mysterious and masters of the chase. But every single frog that came was welcome in this place. ✅

Efrog community: Happyness 💚
Efrog community: Happyness 💚

A sizable group of frogs began to congregate on a wide stretch of the bank beneath the shade of a grand oak. Teddy made sure he was part of the crowd. The town hall-style gathering drew the attention of most of the new amphibious community, although others appeared less inclined to engage in anything that resembled a structured discussion.

This was evident in the fiercely contested game of flogsplash, where participants launched from a small, grassy island to see who could make the biggest spray upon landing. Norm was high on the leaderboard.

Some were preoccupied with exploring the pond's surroundings, while others seized the chance to relax on a lily pad and take in the ambiance and good vibes that were enveloping them. Eventually, even the least interested frogs found their curiosity piqued enough to move toward the rest of the group.

A confident frog with a friendly demeanor and glowing red eyes leaped onto a rock to be better seen and heard. He had an air or natural leadership that the others recognized.

“Welcome friends,” he started, the happiness on his smirking face evident. I’m Charm. It is delightful to witness such a froggy gathering here today.”

“Dex?” Charm directed his attention toward an intelligent-looking crystal frog. “What’s the count?”

“2015,” Dex confirmed.

“2015 strong, indeed,” Charm remarked, amazed.

Croaks and murmurs rippled through the crowd. ”I’ve never been part of such a large community before,” claimed an orange frog with spots.

“No, this might be the first of its kind here,” Charm responded. “But think about what we could achieve with a group this size.”

“You know a group of frogs is called an army,” Dex chimed in, hoping to add to the excitement.

The murmurs swelled once more.

“Thanks, Dex.” Charm acknowledged. “And what a driving force we could be!”

being an efrog is wonderful, yo make frens! 💚🐸
being an efrog is wonderful, yo make frens! 💚🐸

Once the croaking had subsided, an inquisitive blue frog spoke up, voicing the question on everyone’s mind. “So, what exactly is this place?”

“It's a remarkable place from what we’ve seen. Somewhere that has drawn hundreds, many hundreds, of our frog brothers and sisters. Truly, a special community,” Charm stated.

“This pond is wonderful,” came an ecstatic voice from the crowd.

“Indeed, with plenty of food and natural structure,” Charm acknowledged.

“And so much space for activities,” a furry frog sitting beside Norm stated, triggering a round of croaks.

Charm welcomed a pale desert frog with black eyes onto the rock. Teddy moved closer to hear the new speaker.

“Hello, I’m Bea. I’ve lived and hibernated around the surrounding connected waterways for many, many years, and I’ve never seen a pond or a gathering like this… ever.”

“Are there other ponds like this out there?” came a question from the third row.

“Yes, in the world out there, but nothing quite like this. I’ve never witnessed anything like it in Linea before,” Bea explained.

“Linea?” Teddy interjected, unsure of anywhere beyond his hatch place.

“That’s the name of our world,” Bea confirmed.

The group paused, absorbing the statement, before Norm blurted out, “We’re the first group of frogs in Linea?!”

“Yes,” Bea replied amidst the croaks and cheers from the froggy assembly.

Charm held a strong, padded foot and waited for the croaks to subside. “And remember, a Frog is a Frog, and every croak matters here. I have no doubt that we will be happy in all our successes.”

A concerted croak echoed around the pond, and positive froggy vibes reigned all day. It was just the start of something special—a collection of 2015 frogs eager to make their mark in a new corner of the world.

To be continued…

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